European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Support for Development of Audiovisual Content – Single Project 2020; The Bomber

Last update: Dec 14, 2020 Last update: Dec 14, 2020


Start Date:2020
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: EUR 30,000
Sectors:Media and Communications Media and Communications
Date posted:Dec 14, 2020

Associated funding

Associated experts


Call for proposals: EACEA/17/2019

Programme: CREATIVE EUROPE (2014-2020), Media Sub-programme

Call for proposals: Support for the Development of Audiovisual Content - Single Projects

Reference number: 623880

Category: Development - Single Project - Fiction

Project title: The Bomber


Within the specific objective of reinforcing the European audiovisual sector's capacity to operate transnationally and internationally, one of the priorities of the MEDIA Sub-programme is to:

  • increase the capacity of audiovisual operators to develop projects with the potential to circulate throughout Europe and beyond, and to facilitate European and international co-production.

The MEDIA Sub-programme shall provide support for:

  • the development of European audiovisual works, in particular films and television works such as fiction, documentaries, children’s and animated films, as well as interactive works such as videogames and multimedia with enhanced cross-border circulation potential;
  • activities aiming to support European audiovisual production companies, in particular independent production companies, with a view to facilitating European and international co-productions of audiovisual works including television works.

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