Identification and Formulation of projects in the sector of environmental and climate change - CAN PAA 2011
Locations:Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Start Date:Jun 25, 2010
End Date:Mar 30, 2011
Contract value: EUR 126,587
Sectors: Environment & NRM
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Mar 7, 2013
The aim of the Identification Phase was to provide the Andean Community (CAN) and the European Union with sufficient information to justify the acceptance of a project idea in the field of environment and climate change:
· Identification of possible interventions in accordance with the requirements of the CAN and the priorities of the EU
· Justification of the choice of one of these options and evaluate their relevance and feasibility
· Preparation of a draft "Identification Fiche"
· Determination of the range of activities for the project formulation phase
· Establishing the main characteristics and administrative / financial arrangements for the implementation and intervention methods for programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
· Decision about the possibilities of participation by the beneficiary (CAN) The aim of the formulation phase was to provide the CAN and the EU with sufficient information to justify the acceptance of the project proposal and, where feasible, to complete the financing agreement:
· Gathering Information for the preparation of an action sheet (Action Fiche)
· Proposing Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVI) including cross-cutting themes of the external EU cooperation for future monitoring and evaluation of project activities