European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ), Other

Technical Assistance Programme on Access to Drinking Water and Institutional Support to the 9th EDF in CHAD

Last update: Jun 22, 2015 Last update: Jun 22, 2015


Start Date:Nov 15, 2006
End Date:Jan 14, 2012
Contract value: EUR 1,517,176
Sectors:Water & Sanitation
Water & Sanitation
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Mar 7, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


The programme objective, of which this contract forms a part, is to contribute, in a sustainable way, to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal on access to water in Chad (to halve the proportion of people without access to drinking water by 2015). In the case of this programme, it is a question of reinforcing the sector on access to drinking water to reach and/or consolidate a level of 60% service to drinking water in priority rural areas and to support sectoral policy on drinking water. This programme fits within the framework of a national policy on water currently being implemented, based on 5 priorities:

(1) increase the level of service in relation to drinking water

(2) reinforce the legal and regulatory framework

(3) capacity building of the actors and ensure effective monitoring of the public service

(4) reinforce the local management structures of the pumping equipment, to encourage private initiatives and to reinforce the activities of the stakeholders

(5) delegate the public service responsibility to the Decentralised Territorial Communities (CTD), until then assured by the State.

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