Horizon 2020 (2014 - 2020)

Quantum Molecular Photon Source: Q-MoPS

Last update: Feb 19, 2021 Last update: Feb 19, 2021


Start Date:May 1, 2015
End Date:Apr 30, 2017
Contract value: EUR 195,454
Date posted:Feb 19, 2021

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): H2020-EU.1.3.2. - Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility
Topic(s): MSCA-IF-2014-EF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF)
Call for proposal: H2020-MSCA-IF-2014
Funding Scheme: MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF

Grant agreement ID: 661191

The development of a reliable photon source is vital for the development of new quantum technologies. There are many platforms currently being pursued to develop quantum simulators and quantum computers, but one point remains clear – photons will be required to allow such systems to talk to one another; they are the only logical choice for quantum communication due to their low decoherence, ease of encoding and the fact that they do not readily interact with each other. In this fellowship project I will combine cutting edge photonic device engineering and molecular single photon emitters to build a reliable, scalable photon source. The organic dye molecule dibenzoterrylene (DBT) shows promise for use as a photon source with lifetime limited emission linewidths, a high quantum yield and an emission wavelength well matched to that of rubidium for interfacing with atomic quantum technology. I will interface these molecules with nanophotonic cavities and waveguides and utilise the advanced semiconductor fabrication capabilities of the University of York in a secondment phase to create novel, functional devices which will ultimately lead to the desired molecular photon source.


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