European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

TRACECA - Transport dialogue and networks inter operability II

Last update: Aug 24, 2017 Last update: Aug 24, 2017


Locations:Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
Start Date:Dec 10, 2012
End Date:Dec 10, 2015
Contract value: EUR 3,523,080
Sectors:Regional Integration, Transport
Regional Integration, Transport
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Apr 3, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


The overall objective of the Traceca transport dialogue and networks interoperability II project is to provide technical support to the beneficiary countries to improve the connection between the trans-European transport network and EU's eastern neighbours and central Asian countries. This project will contribute to the achievement of the policy objectives defined in the Commission communication on transport relations with the
ENPI countries. Particular emphasis is to be put on improving coordination with IFIs and participation of the private sector in transport projects.
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
— contribute to the development of Traceca regional investment plans for transport infrastructure in support of project identification, project definition and appraisal leading to mobilisation of funding and project implementation, through the support to the implementation of transport investment projects by providing studies, developing business and master plans, analysing financial and technical feasibility including public-private partnerships providing training and capacity building activities,
— strengthen the political and transport dialogue mechanisms between the European Commission (EC), Traceca beneficiary countries, other project stakeholders and IFIs, by achieving effective communication and dissemination of activities and results for the Traceca programme, also through the development of an adequate communication plan ensuring the visibility of the project,
— support the implementation of the IGC long-term strategy until 2015 and related action plans, through assistance to the Traceca Permanent Secretariat and member countries for development of the transport corridor and links to the EU trans-European networks, by achieving effective and sustainable coordination with IFIs and others,
— adapt the regulatory framework with a specific focus on sector reforms in order to facilitate the flows of goods within the beneficiary countries and between the beneficiary countries and outside.


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