European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Information and Training Seminars for Euro-Mediterranean Diplomats

Last update: Aug 16, 2017 Last update: Aug 16, 2017


Start Date:Nov 1, 2012
End Date:Nov 1, 2016
Contract value: EUR 897,500
Sectors:Education, Training
Education, Training
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Apr 5, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


The 2012–2016 'Information and training seminars for Euro-Mediterranean diplomats' programme aims at  facilitating informal exchanges and open dialogue between junior and mid-ranking diplomats who are directly involved in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean. 8 semi-annual workshops and seminars (4 days each) will have to be organised. The contractor will have to provide the necessary technical assistance for the programme coordination of such events, the identification and development of the seminars' content, linked to EU & ENP policies, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean (based on needs analysis), the organisation of the logistics of the seminars and the continuation of the existing Web network activities.

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