
Local Government Development Programme in Northern Cape

Last update: Jun 23, 2015 Last update: Jun 23, 2015


Locations:South Africa
Start Date:Jan 1, 1998
End Date:Dec 31, 2004
Contract value: EUR 3,400,000
Sectors:Decentralization & Local Development, Inst. Devt. ... See more Decentralization & Local Development, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Apr 17, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


Support to the provincial department that assisted all municipalities within the province to improve their service delivery capacity. During the first phases of the programme much of the support was geared towards development of integrated municipal development plans. From 1999 and onwards, the support concentrated on ed parts of the development plans. In close cooperation with the provincial department, task teams composed of representatives from different municipalities concentrated on the following areas Information and Communication, Integrated Development Planning, Financial management and Budgeting, Water and Sanitation, Human resources Management and Development, Gender, Poverty Alleviation, Job creation, Children’s rights.

Members of these task teams were trained by the project and an ultimate result was the creation of a Municipal Training Institute, within the provincial department.

Project resources supported a strategic planning unit within the Department. During the project implementation the working group of Gender within NOCLOGA was trained in the basic methods of work with equal representation and decision-making, representatives from all the Task Teams were trained in some simple ways and methods on how to mainstream gender and HIV/AIDS in the work of the Task teams.

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