Environmental Research Infrastructures Building Fair Services Accessible for Society, Innovation and Research - ENVRI-FAIR
Locations:EU 27, Europe Non EU 27
Start Date:Jan 1, 2019
End Date:Dec 31, 2022
Contract value: EUR 18,997,878
Sectors: Information & Communication Technology, Research, Science & Innovation
Programme(s): H2020-EU. - Developing new world-class research infrastructures
Topic(s): INFRAEOSC-04-2018 - Connecting ESFRI infrastructures through Cluster projects
Call for proposal: H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2
Funding Scheme: RIA - Research and Innovation action
Grant agreement ID: 824068
Project description: Connecting environmental research infrastructures to support science for society.
European environmental research infrastructures are key providers of high-quality digital assets like research data and services. Understanding the Earth needs an interdisciplinary approach based on harmonised and easy-to-use data and services from the contributing environmental research infrastructures. The overarching goal of EU-funded ENVRI-FAIR is to advance the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability (FAIRness) of these digital assets and connect them to the emerging European Open Science Cloud. ENVRI-FAIR targets the development and implementation of a technical and policy framework to overcome discipline boundaries within the ENVRI community. Cross-discipline harmonisation and standardisation, together with the implementation of joint data management and access structures, will facilitate truly interdisciplinary Earth system science that is fundamental to addressing today's environmental challenges.
Objective: ENVRI-FAIR is the connection of the ESFRI Cluster of Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRI) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Participating research infrastructures (RI) of the environmental domain cover the subdomains Atmosphere, Marine, Solid Earth and Biodiversity / Ecosystems and thus the Earth system in its full complexity. The overarching goal is that at the end of the proposed project, all participating RIs have built a set of FAIR data services which enhances the efficiency and productivity of researchers, supports innovation, enables data- and knowledge-based decisions and connects the ENVRI Cluster to the EOSC. This goal is reached by: (1) well defined community policies and standards on all steps of the data life cycle, aligned with the wider European policies, as well as with international developments; (2) each participating RI will have sustainable, transparent and auditable data services, for each step of data life cycle, compliant to the FAIR principles. (3) the focus of the proposed work is put on the implementation of prototypes for testing pre-production services at each RI; the catalogue of prepared services is defined for each RI independently, depending on the maturity of the involved RIs; (4) the complete set of thematic data services and tools provided by the ENVRI cluster is exposed under the EOSC catalogue of services.