
New Production Hall for Stabilus GmbH in Koblenz

Last update: Jun 23, 2015 Last update: Jun 23, 2015


Start Date:Apr 1, 2001
End Date:Jan 1, 2002
Contract value: 8,000,000
Sectors:Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Apr 19, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


Production Hall with Storage and Dispatch including Offices and Social Facilities.

- General Planning:
- Production Hall Design: LP 1-8
- Structural Engineering: LP 1-6
- Techn. Equipment: LP 1-8
- Site Development Planning: LP 1-8
- Project Control
- Safety and Health Coordination for Workers during Construction
- Site Supervision

The building comprises of a two -storey hall with a basement for storage and side rooms
The dimensions are : length / breadth / height 98.97/38.60/19.0 m;
The basement and the first floor above the ceiling Including the first floor are Constructed with reinforced insitu concrete , All which can take up a load of 30 kN / m² with a post frame of 7.5 x 7.5 m;
Three lift lobby Areas Provide the solid wall plates for the Necessary stiffness
The upper storey is built as a light wide spanned stiff steel construction, and is used for production in the first floor there are final assembly , commissioning and dispatch .
Connection to the present industrial plant opposite the Wallersheimer Weg is via a steel bridge, fitted with a suitable transportation system for the transportation of single units .

Technical installations
The heating equipment Consists of a boiler and chimney of 2.600 kilowatts , warm water boilers of 3 x 1,000 Including the distributor / collector , pipe system with pumps and fittings, heaters of air circulation , solid radiators and MSR- technic ( All which stands for metering , Regulate steering and control system )
Air-condition facilities comprised of the Following:
2 central devices for incoming / outgoing air with heat recovery of 100 000 m3 / h ,
One central device for incoming / outgoing air with heat recovery of 7,200 m3 / h
Defuming 3 x 80,000 m3 / h
Air channel pipes and grids,
MSR- technic
For sanitation there are 47 sanitary objects like WC 's, Washbasins , urinals as well as 9 shower seats next to each other ' and 16 wash basins .
There Will be a également piping system for gas , compressed air, fresh and well water .
The electrotechnical equipment Mainly Consists of :
A 20 kV medium -voltage switchgear , 2 transformators 1600 kVA each,
2 low- voltage distributors with hand 2500A collector rail system and 12 distributors of energy 630 10 low- voltage subdistributors from 32 A to 250 A, a complex light control system for interior lighting via a SPS -unit , emergency power- supply of 250 kVA , 3 ramp heaters , an automatic fire signal system for the whole area as well as lightning- und potential prom - ancing Measures for the Entire whole lobby area Including excess voltage equipment.

Outside development , roads and footpaths
The development and arrangement of outside Areas Were designed to Consider the possibility That the Wallersheimer Weg Would Be diverted and the present public road area Will Be plant area in future .

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