
Alternative route for road AS-18 'Cornellana–Cerredo pass”, in the mountain pass of Rañadoiro (Asturias)
Start Date:Jan 1, 2006
End Date:Dec 31, 2006
Contract value: EUR 40,634,568
Sectors: Civil Engineering, Roads & Bridges
The present works have a total length of approximately 3,930 m. Rañadoiro tunnel, one of the most important constructions of the project has a total length of 1,874 meters.
The road originally had a width section of just 6 meters, steep slopes, no berms on both sides of the road and a small tunnel at 1,181 meter high over the sea level frequently closed during winter time due to severe snow storms.
The new road projected has the following features:
- Two 3.50 meter lanes along 4 km approximately, with extra width in the curves and 0.50 meters berms on both sides of the road.
- A new tunnel with a total length of 1,867 meters
- Three bridges with a total width section of 12 meters and the following lengths:
- Bridge nº1: 100.8 meters
- Bridge nº2: 81.6 meters
- Bridge nº3: 100.8 meters