Technical Support For The Conversion Of Paying Guarantees And Letters Of Intent Into Forestry Concession Contract
Start Date:Feb 1, 2005
End Date:Apr 1, 2006
Sectors: Environment & NRM
Technical and methodological support allowing the Department of Forestry to lead the conversion process of old forestry contracts ('paying guarantees') into the new juridical category of 'concessions', according to the new Forestry law, the decree stipulating the clauses for conversion and the clauses of concerned contracts.
Analysis of all the contracts for which requests for conversion will be submitted. The analysis will be based on criteria defined by the law on clauses for Conversion, by ensuring an objective application.
Institutional support to the Directorate of Forest Management (Direction de la Gestion des Forêts - DGF), Permanent Department for forest inventory and development (Service Permanent des Inventaires et Aménagement Forestier - SPIAF), Directorate of Inspection, External Services and General Directorate for administrative, judiciary, national and contribution income (Direction Générale des Recettes Administratives, Judiciaires, Domaniales et de Participations - DGRAD). The project will provide un methodological support through technical assistance, training and equipment.