Provide extra capacity to the WLP to expand and develop its Outreach Advocacy Initiative, which supports women with complex needs who are homeless (or insecurely housed), into more stable housing
Start Date:Mar 1, 2020
End Date:Feb 28, 2023
Contract value: USD 374,947
Sectors: Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Social Development
Origin of funding: Oak Foundation
Programme: Housing and Homelessness
Sub-programme: Prevention
Purpose: To provide extra capacity to the WLP to expand and develop its Outreach Advocacy Initiative, which supports women with complex needs who are homeless (or insecurely housed), into more stable housing. The Outreach Advocacy Initiative also facilitates increased access to health and other key support services. WLP is a day centre in Boston, providing breakfast and lunch to 250 women a day, together with a wide range of advice and support.