Technical Assistance As Independent Observer Of The Control And Monitoring Of Forestry Offenses In Cameroon
Start Date:Jan 1, 2010
End Date:Nov 1, 2012
Sectors: Environment & NRM, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Apr 26, 2013
The service provider has the responsibility to implement the project in close collaboration with the Forestry Department, in particular the National Inspection Brigade.
The Technical Assistance ensures, under the authority of the Steering Committee, the planning and implementation of project activities. The Consultant must be internationally acknowledged for his objectivity and independence towards the forest industry; he must also have a network of contacts allowing him to give maximum international exposure and credibility to the efforts made by the Cameroonian government with respect to forest governance.
To this effect the Consultant mobilises a team of 2 long term experts, specific short term expertises (training, GIS, database development, statistics, fiscality, governance), to support and train the National Inspection Brigade in the execution of its mandate The technical assistance reports regularly and independently to the Steering Committee about the offenses reported and monitors the prosecution engaged.