Pre-study of Local Governance in Iraq (2008) and Feasibility Study (2009)
Start Date:Jan 1, 2008
End Date:Jan 1, 2009
Contract value: EUR 200,000
Sectors: Democratization, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Public Administration
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:May 28, 2013
The pre-study of local/regional democratic governance and infrastructure support in Iraq served as part of the input for the Swedish cooperation strategy process for Iraq. The pre-study included interviews with Iraqi government officials, NGOs and media in all 18 provinces of Iraq. Further details and recommendations for the support were developed in a feasibility study, where feasible approaches and methods to support local democratic governance in three geographical areas – in the north, central and south – were developed.
Description of Services provided
- Pre-study of situation in Iraq regarding local governance
- Input and recommendations to development of the Swedish cooperation strategy for Iraq
- Recommendations for hands-on support in Iraq to strengthen democratic local governance