European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Supply of Equipment for the Increasing Adaptability of Employers and Employees to the Changes in Global Economy, Lot 3

Last update: Jul 31, 2015 Last update: Jul 31, 2015


Start Date:Apr 2, 2013
End Date:Jul 2, 2013
Contract value: EUR 10,907
Sectors:Electrical Engineering, Procurement
Electrical Engineering, Procurement
Date posted:Jun 19, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


The subject of the contract is supply, delivery, installation, putting into operation, inspection, testing, training (only for lot 2) and warranty services of office equipment, IT equipment and electrical equipment which will be used to improve the infrastructural capacity of the 5 training and coordination centers that will be established within the Kayseri Chamber of Industry, Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Gaziantep Chamber of Industry, Kastamonu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Elazığ Chamber of Commerce and Industry and also in the TOBB building at Ankara with the Operation “Increasing Adaptability of Employers and Employees to the Changes in Global Economy”.

Lot-3: Electrical Equipment

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