European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Prevention and control of communicable diseases in North West Russia

Last update: Jul 31, 2015 Last update: Jul 31, 2015


Start Date:Jun 1, 2003
End Date:Jun 30, 2005
Sectors:Health, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Laboratory & ...
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Health, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Laboratory & Measurement
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Jun 26, 2013

Associated funding

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Prisons are the focal point of the TB epidemic and development of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis. In order to respond to the increasing public health threat of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in the Russian penitatentiary system in the 1990’s, the Delegation of the European Commission in Russia has designed and funded the project “Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases in North West Russia”. This project has been carried out by a Consortium consisting the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES), Finland, the Netherlands School of Public Health (NSPH) and Public Health Institute, Finland. KIT/BR participated in this project through collaboration with NSPH.

The objectives of the program were:

1. To design the inter-sectoral preventive strategies for controlling some of the major epidemics (TB, HIV/AIDS, STIs, and viral hepatitis) based on a well coordinated and concerted contribution of penitentiary and public health sectors, local authorities and civil society

2. To enhance the knowledge and skills of senior officials, health professionals and non-professionals of penitentiary and public health institutions, local NGOs, prisoners and the general population in the TB, HIV/AIDS, STIs and viral hepatitis preventive policies

3. To strengthen the laboratory diagnostic capacities of penitentiary health care institution.

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