Uttarakhand Decentralized Watershed Development II Project: The Social Mobilization activities are required to be carried out in newly created Uttarkashi division and it is proposed that as per WB Guidelines of selection and employment of consultants Para 3.9 (a) through single source selection
Start Date:Jul 1, 2020
End Date:Oct 1, 2021
Contract value: INR 6,782,708
Sectors: Social Development
Project ID: P131235
Project Title: Uttarakhand Decentralized Watershed Development II Project
Bid/Contract Reference No: IN-WMD-141664-CS-CDS
Scope of Contract: Initially the proposal was asked for 2 years for which financial proposal of Rs. 6782708 was received, which was further negotiated for 15 months arriving at Rs. 4239366.
Duration of Contract: 15 Month(s)