
Implementation of a bank information system at Lietuvos Taupomasis Bankas

Last update: Jul 2, 2015 Last update: Jul 2, 2015


Start Date:Jan 1, 1998
End Date:Dec 31, 2000
Sectors:Information & Communication Technology
Information & Communication Technology
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Aug 16, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


Within the scope of the project, the Sparkassenstiftung supported LTB in selecting a new bank information system. The comprehensive consultancy-service package provided to the LTB focused, inter alia, on the design of a catalogue of specifications for the new bank information software and the preparation of a tender procedure for systems procurement, right through to the evaluation of the offers received. The new software not only incorporated all accounting activities, but a comprehensive controlling and management system as well. The consultancy work also included support to the formation of a project team capable of implementing the new system.

The launch of a new bank information system wrought far-reaching changes in the bank’s work processes, which, in turn, have compelled the bank to make adjustments, both in qualitative and quantitative terms, in its human-resource sector. A whole series of hitherto highly labour-intensive, manual operations, e.g. in the accounting department, were no longer necessary. On the other hand, new areas of activity, such as controlling, were generated. The Sparkassenstiftung analysed personnel structures, the results of which then served as the basis for the LTB’s medium-term human-resource planning.

Services provided

  • Design of a catalogue of specifications for the new software
  • Support to the preparation of a tender procedure for systems procurement
  • Evaluation of offers received
  • Adjustment / optimisation of working procedures
  • Extensive analysis of personnel structures
Origin of funding
Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF), Transform Programme
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