National Statistics and Data for Development: Fornecimento de Electrodomésticos e Climatização para a Escola Nacional de Estatistica, Lote 2
Start Date:Aug 31, 2021
End Date:Feb 28, 2022
Contract value: MZN 1,169,352
Sectors: Furniture & Office Supplies, Information & Communication Technology, Refrigeration
Project ID: P162621
Project Title: National Statistics and Data for Development
Bid/Contract Reference No: MZ-INE-231528-GO-RFB Lote 2
Borrower Bid Reference: MZ-INE-231528-GO-RFB
Scope of Contract: Fornecimento de Electrodomésticos e Climatização para a Escola Nacional de Estatistica, Lote 2
Duration of Contract: 6 Month(s)