Targeted support and strengthening implementation and management capacities of the Common Fund for Education
Start Date:Apr, 2014
End Date:Mar, 2016
Contract value: EUR 463,005
Sectors: Education, Finance & Accounting, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Ref N°: 466
Detailed description of project
Education is a priority for the Government of Burundi, which spends nearly 25% of its recurrent budget. With the support of its technical and financial partners, it has recently developed a new Sector Development Plan for Education and Training (PSDEF) for the period 2012-2020. The program covers the entire system from preschool to higher education, and covers the reform aimed at the extension of primary education to basic education of nine years.
To finance the development of the Burundian education system, several technical and financial partners agreed with the Burundian authorities to pool their financial support through the creation of a Special Allocation Budget – Common Fund for Education (BAS/ FCE).
This contract aims to support the implementation and management of BAS / FCE and to strengthen the capacity of national and devolved administration in the following areas:
- Coordination of expertise;
- Technical and financial monitoring and internal control BAS/FCE;
- Support for planning BAS/FCE;
- Support for technical and financial reporting;
- Financial implementation and account management at central level and de-concentrated level.
Type of services provided
A team of 4 experts is put at the disposal of the Ministry :
- Team leader;
- Planning expert;
- Financial management expert ;
- Expert in training and financial management and accounting.