European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Technical Assistance to conduct a community and district profiling exercise in 3 districts in Lesotho

Last update: Mar 28, 2016 Last update: Mar 28, 2016


Start Date:2008
End Date:2009
Contract value: EUR 134,497
Sectors:Decentralization & Local Development, Media and Co ...
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Decentralization & Local Development, Media and Communications
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Oct 29, 2013

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This assignment is launched under the LGNSP (Local governance and non-state actors Support programme). The programme aims at greater involvement and effective participation of NSA in local governments. It also aims at strengthening local government structures at District and Community Council level though a wide range of capacity building efforts. A cursory analysis of the past development planning efforts in Lesotho has revealed a lack of basic information for all stakeholders involved in district planning efforts.

The purpose of the assignment was therefore the collection and collation of up-to-date, relevant, accessible and accurate information to be used as a baseline survey for further local interventions and as a planning tool at community and district level.

In particular, the specific objectives were:

1. Compilation of community and district profiles for each of the LGNSP beneficiaries target Districts.

2. Production of community and district profiles booklets for each district (bilingual English/Sesotho) and other awareness/information material for dissemination at community and district level.

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