European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Roma LGBTQI goes visible - supporting activities for the Roma LGBTQI minority

Last update: May 17, 2022 Last update: May 17, 2022


Locations:Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia
Start Date:Oct 1, 2020
End Date:Mar 31, 2022
Contract value:EUR 269,520
Sectors:Human Rights, Social DevelopmentHuman Rights, Social Development
Date posted:May 17, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme-REC Programme 2014-2020

Topic(s): REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2019

Type of action: REC Action Grant

Funded under: Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme

Project ID: 881949

Objective: The Project reacts on critical situation of the Roma LGBTI minority that is a subject of numerous forms of disadvantage, multiple discriminiation and is excluded from the inclusion and integration policies and measures. The marginal status of this community further deepens its vulnerability and strengthens the risk of hatespeech, stigma, homophobia and general social inacceptance. Concealment of the different sexual orientation and gender identity is the only rescue from social isolation and /or excommunication. Therefore it is crucial to increase the effort in removing the barriers that are publicly known and strengthen the intervention on the field of defending and applying Roma LGBTI rights on both national and European level. Our project has got the following goaThe project is focused on Roma LGBT minority who often face multiple discrimination - not only by the mainstream society because of their ethnical origin and/or their sexual orientation but also by the Roma society which is very traditionaly oriented and perceive homosexuality as something unaccaptable. The general objective of the project is to support the fight against multiple discrimination of Roma from the LGBT minority and to contribute to the promotion of their rights. The specific objectives of the project are as follows: • Strengthen systematic work with the LGBT Roma minority by introducing targeted measures • Through collecting comprehensive data on the LGBT Roma minority, contribute to more effective and more direct adjustments of measures and mechanisms to their benefit • Implement the use of proven support and assistance tools to mitigate the unfavorable situation of the LGBT Roma minority • Build human resources for the LGBT Roma community • Contribute to eliminating differences between the majority and the LGBT Roma community by raising awareness and producing knowledge • Promote and disseminate examples of good practice and share best practices with members of the LGBT Roma minority

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