World Bank HQ

Turkey Land Registration and Cadastre Modernization Project: Tender of Cadaster Updating Works (22 bid packages), (KST-DDY)

Last update: May 18, 2022 Last update: May 18, 2022


Start Date:Sep 21, 2021
End Date:Dec 15, 2022
Contract value: TRY 1,889,658
Sectors:Mapping & Cadastre Mapping & Cadastre
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:May 18, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Project ID: P106284

Project Title: Turkey Land Registration and Cadastre Modernization Project

Borrower Bid Reference: GROUP 22A-10

Contract Reference No: KST-DDY

Scope of Contract: Kadastro Harita ve Bilgilerinin Gncellenmesi i Szleme Ref. No. KST-DDY

Duration of Contract: 450 Day(s)

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