European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Reinforcement of the Hungarian National Roma Platform – 2022-2023: HNRP 2022-2023

Last update: May 18, 2022 Last update: May 18, 2022


Start Date:Dec 31, 2021
End Date:Dec 30, 2023
Contract value:EUR 174,265
Sectors:Decentralization & Local Development, Human Rights ... See moreDecentralization & Local Development, Human Rights, Social Development
Date posted:May 18, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme-REC Programme 2014-2020

Topic(s): REC-RDIS-NRCP-AG-2020

Type of action: REC Action Grant

Project ID: 101007457


The main goal of the project is to promote and facilitate dialogue, mutual learning and cooperation between all domestic stakeholders as well as the review of social inclusion policy. Its aim is for the Hungarian National Roma Contact Point (hereinafter referred to as NRCP) to implement the objectives of the Hungarian National Social Inclusion Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the Inclusion Strategy) in cooperation and with joint effort with the widest possible range of decision-makers at all levels of public administration, services and institutions as well as professionals, experts, NGO representatives, churches and other stakeholders. It aims to involve the relevant actors in the evaluation and development of the action plan of the Inclusion Strategy. The project is built around the Roma platform events at the county level. Three Roma platform events per county will be held in five different counties (Baranya county, Somogy county, Békés county, Pest county and Győr-Moson-Sopron county). In order to summarize the results of the events and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between the participants, a national event will be organized. Our goal is to also organize an international event which addresses the Member States of the European Union in order to promote the transfer of knowledge and the exchange of experience between Member States. As a result of the project, the number of Hungarian Roma platforms promoting territorial co-operation will be further expanded, new forms of co-operation will be developed and existing co-operations will be expanded. A direct relationship and an exchange of experiences will be established between the programs planned by the sector and those implementing the programs at the local and county level. Following the thematic, documented discussions, the NRCP will receive feedback on the experiences gained during the implementation of the action plan of the Inclusion Strategy as well as on the preparation of the next action plan

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