Asian Development Bank (HQ), Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (HQ), Swedish International Development Agency, United Nations Secretariat (HQ)

Second Urban Primary Health Care Project (UPHCP II)

Last update: Apr 16, 2015 Last update: Apr 16, 2015


Start Date:Jan 1, 2005
End Date:Dec 31, 2012
Sectors:Health, Monitoring & Evaluation
Health, Monitoring & Evaluation

Associated funding

Associated experts


HLSP carried out the M&E component of a large scale Asian Development Bank-funded project. UPHCP II, implemented by the Government of Bangladesh, offers a range of primary health care services (including antenatal and postnatal care) to the urban poor through Partnership Agreements with NGOs. Poor people are given red cards which entitle them to free services. The project, which operates in six city corporations and five district municipalities, is funded by the Government of Bangladesh, ADB, DFID, SIDA, UNFPA and ORBIS Bangladesh.

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