European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) data collection 2022: 2021-PL-PPP

Last update: Aug 10, 2022 Last update: Aug 10, 2022


Start Date:Nov 1, 2021
End Date:Feb 28, 2023
Contract value:EUR 26,623
Date posted:Aug 10, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme: Single Market Programme (SMP)-undefined

Topic: SMP-ESS-2021-PPP-H1-5690

Type of action: SMP European Statistics

Project ID: 101051511


The overall purpose of the Eurostat/OECD Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) programme is to provide users with high quality PPPs and related economic indicators. The action aims at ensuring the provision of high quality and comparable input data for the purpose of calculating PPPs. To achieve this aim, Statistics Poland will fulfil the specific tasks under Objectives A to F. Additional tasks under Objective G will be also included. The aim of the Objective A is to have a data set of average prices of a sufficient number of consumer products defined on each survey's item list that enables a calculation of price ratios across countries in order to establish good quality PPPs.The aim of the Objective B is to provide validated capital city rentals data sets. The aim of the Objective C is to provide validated construction and equipment goods price data including necessary metadata for the construction and the equipment goods price surveys. The aim of the Objective D is to collect and provide Eurostat with validated hospital price data including necessary metadata for the surveys. The aim of the Objective E is to provide Eurostat with data needed for the PPP calculations, i.e. on GDP expenditure weights, VAT, tips, actual and imputed rents, compensation of government employees for 2021, 2020, 2019 and CPIs for 2021. The Objective F is realisation of The Regulation (EC) No 1445/2007, requiring all Member States to maintain documentation which gives a full description of the manner in which the Regulation has been implemented (the "PPP Inventory"). Objective G includes a number of tasks that are useful in the context of the PPP programme but for which individual countries may have different needs. Within this objective Statistics Poland will conduct task G.3 Translation of the item lists for E22-1, E22-2. The expected outcome of the action is the provision of high quality and comparable input data for the calculation and dissemination of Purchasing Power Parities.

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