The Beit Project – the Nomadic School of Remembrance: BEIT
Locations:Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Romania, Spain
Start Date:Apr 1, 2022
End Date:Jun 30, 2023
Sectors: Culture, Democratization, Human Rights, Media and Communications, Training
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Aug 11, 2022
Programme(s): Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)-undefined
Type of action: CERV Lump Sum Grants
Project ID: 101051071
Objective: 76 years after the liberation of Auschwitz and at a time when the direct witnesses of the atrocities of the 20th C. are disappearing inexorably, this project travels around historical traces in 6 cities from across Europe (Marseille, Brussels, Barcelona, Athens, Sofia and Timisoara) and proposes to transform the way of perceiving places of memory, as a central citizenship educational tool. A Nomadic school is temporarily installed in significant urban places, for a triple encounter: with the urban space, with its history and between groups of young citizens from diverse cultural backgrounds. In-situ workshops connect past and present, the other and oneself and engage participants in profound dialogues about discrimination, including xenophobia, racism, Antisemitism and Anti-Gypsyism. The project’s main objectives are: - To reveal the memory of places and develop a common reflection between very different groups around the current realities related to it: raise awareness of discrimination of all types established in the past in Europe; allow an open dialogue between very different parts of local society on the memory of the city and the current perception of the other; raise awareness of the importance of European remembrance work for the preservation and deepening of democracy; be aware of the past to enhance the value of the EU; - To connect historical realities - local and global in Europe - creating a reflexion on the current situation of discrimination still present in Europe. Conceived as a European Journey, each participating group will send to the next city the most relevant and profound questions that, following their interpretation, the remembrance site raises. This "Relay-journey" generates common interpretations of history, precisely thanks to the diverse perspectives on the same theme. 900 youth and 2000 adults will participate directly through on-site workshops managed by a consortium of 7 experienced partners, ending in Timisoara ECoC 2023.