e-learning in Automechatronics
Start Date:Unknown
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: EUR 298,935
Sectors: Education
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Oct 26, 2012
The Agency for Vocational Education and Training, Department for Financing and Contracting of IPA is seeking proposals for facilitating the delivery of new modularised curricula based on learning outcomes, particularly in view of introducing systemic approach to relevant vocational education and training (VET) innovations in line with the changes in the labour market at the local and/or regional level and in line with new methodology and requirements of VET Act and National Framework Curriculum for preschool education and general obligatory education in elementary and secondary school in Croatia with financial assistance from Operational Programme for the Human Resources Development 2007-2009 for Croatia, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, 2007HR05IPO001 (IPA 2007-2009).
e-learning in Automechatronics.