EMPAD -Empowering Adults with Mental Illness for Learning and Social Inclusion
Start Date:Nov 1, 2010
End Date:Oct 31, 2012
Sectors: Health, Social Development, Training
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Dec 11, 2013
Description: The EMPAD project developes a Clubhouse training programme for professionals working with people recovering from mental illness.
Objectives: The objective of the EMPAD project is to create a new training program for professionals working with people with mental illness. The EMPAD training gives an orientation to community-based rehabilitation (CBR) services and especially to the Clubhouse method.
Implementation: The EMPAD training program will be piloted during the project and the final training product will be offered to the European audience via the Comenius-Grundtvig Training Database. The project will publish course training materials and offer open web-based materials for distance learning.
Funding: European Commission - Lifelong Learning Programme (Grundtvig sub-programme).
Responsible unit at THL: Participation Promotion Unit.