Regions’ Alliances for Interconnected Startup Ecosystems: RAISE
Locations:Belgium, Ireland, Spain
Start Date:Jun 1, 2022
End Date:May 31, 2024
Contract value: EUR 498,625
Sectors: Public Administration, Research, SME & Private Sector
HORIZON.3.2 - European innovation ecosystems
HORIZON.3.2.3 - Joint programmes close to innovators
Topic(s): HORIZON-EIE-2021-CONNECT-01-01 - Preparatory action for setting up joint programmes among
innovation ecosystems actors
Call for proposal: HORIZON-EIE-2021-CONNECT-01
Funding Scheme: HORIZON-AG-LS - HORIZON Lump Sum Grant
Grant agreement ID: 101070749
The main goal of RAISE is to contribute to the development of a new and sustainable integrated support framework to foster startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe in all its dimensions, from initial funding, research support to public incentives and internationalization. This will result in promoting competitive business models, unconventional collaborations and solutions from all, in all over Europe, and contributing to the establishment of a true EU startup ecosystem, not based on a single city or region, but linking all of them together.
The vision of an interconnected EU startup ecosystem has been largely developed through the combined efforts of European associations, complementing the scope of the actions of national or regional agencies in the different countries, which offers a first opportunity for a more global perspective on the different aspects of startup support.
However, and in spite of several cooperation initiatives between these organisations, there is still a lack of integration between their action plans, which creates gaps in startup support at EU level.
This proposal will address these gaps establishing a joint agenda to build an effective collaboration amongst key players of the innovation ecosystem, fostering a common action that will inovolve key stakeholders at regional, national and EU level, that play a role in the lifecycle of start-ups growth be through upskilling initiatives, R&I programmes and policies, capacity building, private investment or access to public funding.