European Investment Bank (HQ)

Technical assistance for the implementation of the electricity network upgrade project

Last update: Feb 21, 2014 Last update: Feb 21, 2014


Locations:Palestine / West Bank & Gaza
Start Date:Dec, 2013
End Date:Jun, 2017
Contract value: EUR 999,032
Sectors:Electrical Engineering, Energy
Electrical Engineering, Energy
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Feb 21, 2014

Associated funding

Associated experts


Reference code: TA2012029 PS F10

Programme: Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP)

Contract description:
The objective of this technical assistance operation is to assist the Project Management Unit (PMU) set up within the Palestinian Energy and National Resources Authority (PENRA) to monitor the implementation of the Electricity Network Upgrading Project (ENUP). The Project, financed by various donors/IFIs, aims at improving the supply of electricity in the Palestinian Territories.
This technical assistance operation will cover only the transmission component of the Project, comprising two sub-components: (i) the construction of four 161/33 kV – 45 MVA substations in the West Bank (located at Ramallah, Jenin, Nablus and Hebron), financed by the EIB and (ii) the construction of a National Control Center (NCC) and the set up of a SCADA system, financed by the Norwegian and Swedish aid agencies.
The consultant will support the PENRA PMU in ensuring that the Project is effectively implemented in line with the IEC turnkey contract, and in supervising and monitoring the implementation of the construction of the NCC and SCADA system.

Duration of the contract: 42 months

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