European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Re-thinking plastics in a sustainable circular economy: LIFE21-IPE-FI-PlastLIFE

Last update: Jan 16, 2023 Last update: Jan 16, 2023


Start Date:Dec 1, 2022
End Date:Nov 30, 2029
Sectors:Environment & NRM, Pollution & Waste Management (i ... See more Environment & NRM, Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment)
Date posted:Jan 16, 2023

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)-undefined

Topic: LIFE-2021-STRAT-ENV-SIP-two-stage

Type of action: LIFE Project Grants

Project ID: 101069513


The global production of virgin plastics has increased 20-fold since the 1960s. Despite the many benefits of plastics, they cause major environmental and health problems. There is an urgent need for global transition into a safe and sustainable circular economy of plastics. PlastLIFE tackles the plastic challenge by implementing the four objectives of the Plastic Roadmap for Finland (PRfF, 2019 - 2031): (O1) reduce littering and other negative impacts caused by plastics, (O2) refuse from unnecessary consumption of plastics, (O3) increase recycling of all types of plastics and (O4) replace fossil plastics with bio-based materials and/or other solutions. These objectives are achieved through nine work packages designed to directly respond to the measures proposed by the PRfF. PlastLIFE will identify and implement safe and sustainable solutions for plastic production, consumption and recycling, and develop policy tools and reliable indicators sustaining and up-scaling the results beyond the project. The 17 project beneficiaries and stakeholder networks bring together all the most relevant actors needed for the change. Together with the complementary measures, PlastLIFE aims at the full implementation of the PRfF in all geographical regions of Finland by 2035. The project has set ambitious quantitative targets for increasing recycling, reducing littering and demand for primary fossil-based plastic, mobilising funding as well as achieving a measurable change in the mind-set of the Finnish public, industry and decision-making. The PlastLIFE and PRfF implement the EU and global plastics and circular economy strategies, action plans and targets. The project supports the targets of the LIFE programme by facilitating the transition into sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy efficient and climate-resilient economy and by helping to improve the quality of the environment and natural resources such as soil and water that are increasingly polluted and harmed by plastics.

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