Asian Development Bank (HQ)

Capacity Building for Improving Portfolio Performance - F-1 Project Performance Evaluation Consultant (52102-001)

Last update: Jan 17, 2023 Last update: Jan 17, 2023


Start Date:Sep 29, 2022
End Date:Sep 29, 2024
Contract value: USD 463,332
Sectors:Monitoring & Evaluation
Monitoring & Evaluation
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Jan 17, 2023

Associated funding

Associated experts


TA No.: TA-9560 BAN

Executing Agency: Asian Development Bank

Project Number: 52102-001

Description: Under Output 4 of the TA, capacity of the Government and executing/implementing agencies on project evaluation process will be supported through a range of expertise on sectors; environment, social and gender; economic and financial analysis; and evaluation of development effectiveness.
The selected consulting firm will have sufficient experience and skills capable of adopting the rigorous methodology for evaluation of project performance and results. The experts (consultants) will provide hand-holding support to the executing/implementing agencies in preparing at least 14 borrower’s PCRs from the list of 14 projects expected for closure in 2021, 2022 and 2023. This is an indicative list which can be changed in time. The consultants will also train the executing and implementing agencies in the project evaluation process, and finally prepare a comprehensive report incorporating the findings of evaluation, lessons learned, and recommendations for enhancing the development results in the future interventions. This will also help evaluate the progress of
operations and policy interventions on development effectiveness and offer an avenue for enhancing the results from the future investments. The TA’s output will also help improve the quality of ADB's internal monitoring and evaluation process.

Engagement Period: 24 MONTH

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