
Development of quality infrastructure and metrology, supply ofthe equipment for the Bureau of Metrology — lot 3
Start Date:Jan 21, 2013
End Date:Jul 21, 2013
Contract value: EUR 152,190
Sectors: Laboratory & Measurement, Procurement
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Mar 3, 2014
The Bureau of Metrology (BoM), as part of the Ministry of Economy, was established in 2006. The work in the field of scientific and legal metrology and precious metals is organized under BoM as an umbrella institution responsible for the entire metrology system at the highest level. Measuring instruments used for the purpose of trade in goods and services; protection of human and animal health, general security, property, environment and natural resources, safety at work, transport and protection from accidents; as well as checking the pre-packaged products and bottles as measuring containers, will be put to use in Montenegro only if compliant with the set metrological requirements and if those are verified and are labelled with the prescribed marking. Calibration laboratories for mass, length, electrical quantities, time and frequency, volume and temperature are being developed within the Bureau of Metrology; these will establish, develop and maintain Montenegrin national measurement standards for the given unit. IPA2007 National Programme has already strengthened the capacity of a national quality infrastructure system, particularly represented by the National Bureau of Metrology and Institute for Standardization. The new equipment has been provided for laboratories of: mass, dimensional, temperature, pressure, volume, time, frequency and electrical measurements. The above laboratories represent most of the aspects required in legal as well as in industrial metrology. Finally, a major contribution to the use of standards and technical regulations has been achieved, increasing in that way competitiveness of the Montenegrin industry, as well as better and wider trade regimes with the EU, CEFTA, and the global economy in general. The purpose of this contract is to ensure the supply of metrology equipment to Bureau of Metrology (BoM) in the priority field of Measurement Standards, enhancing the capacity of the Bureau of Metrology to meet the EU legislative, regulatory and technical requirements.
Lot 3: volume laboratory equipment.