Inter-American Development Bank (HQ)

Prospective study and capacity building to identify and address the challenges of climate change

Last update: Feb 13, 2023 Last update: Feb 13, 2023


Start Date:Oct 27, 2022
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: USD 87,747
Sectors:Environment & NRM, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Re ...
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Environment & NRM, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Research
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Feb 13, 2023

Associated funding

Associated experts


Selection: PE-T1484-P001

Consultancy Title: Prospective study and capacity building of PROINNOVATE to address the challenges of climate change

The objectives of this consultancy are: (i) to identify specific challenges that the Peruvian innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem faces in relation to mitigation and adaptation to climate change in priority strategic sectors that can be addressed through PROINNOVATE instruments, and (ii) considering this diagnosis to strengthen the capacities of PROINNOVATE and key actors in the ecosystem to address these challenges.

Key activities
a) Analyze the Peruvian innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem aimed at promoting mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
b) Propose potential adaptation and/or mitigation challenges in at least 4 strategic sectors. The strategic sectors will be defined in this consultancy and will be prioritized by PROINNOVATE based on the priorities of the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE) and their alignment with the mitigation and adaptation measures contained in the Nationally Determined Contributions of Peru (NDC).
c) Identify the PROINNOVATE instruments that could be used to address the identified challenges, propose the necessary adjustments, or alternatively propose new instruments.
d) Design and implement a training program regarding environmental sustainability, adaptation and mitigation to climate change, main problems in these topics, innovative solutions, and technological trends. The training program should allow the actors of the ecosystem (incubators, accelerators, technology centers and external reviewers) properly evaluate the merits and impacts of innovation projects related to climate change and allow PROINNOVATE professionals to timely monitor the funded projects. The training must be conducted in Spanish.



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