Leopold Urban Design Framework
Start Date:Jan 1, 2009
End Date:Dec 31, 2011
Sectors: Urban Development
The framework sets out to provide direction for Council, the community, landowners and developers on how to achieve sustainable design outcomes for this mixed-use centre, which reflect Council and community aspirations for the area.
As a guidance document, the framework will assist in the planning process by providing landowners and developers with design principles developed specifically for the centre.
Key issues relating to the site and addressed through the urban design framework include:
- enhanced local culture and heritage through the provision of sustainable land use and meaningful public realm
- enhanced safe, legible connections between the Leopold Sub Regional Activity Centre and the Leopold community
- providing direction relating to built form, streetscape and landscape treatment, pedestrian movement and vehicle parking
- minimising stormwater runoff and associated energy use
- reducing energy consumption through integration of green infrastructure
- facilitating an improved integration between the Gateway Reserve Sanctuary and the Leopold Recreation Memorial Reserve.
Client: City of Geelong.
Project Team: Carl Lucca, Associate - Urban Design and Planning, New Zealand.