European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

ESVA-0003-2023_Pul - Cleaning services

Last update: Mar 15, 2023 Last update: Mar 15, 2023


Start Date:Jan 1, 2023
End Date:Dec 31, 2023
Contract value: EUR 325,052
Sectors:Industry, Commerce & Services
Industry, Commerce & Services
Categories:Non-consulting services
Date posted:Mar 15, 2023

Associated funding

Associated experts


Description: Servizi di pulizia ordinaria e straordinaria da effettuare presso la sede dell'ente appaltante nei modi, nei periodi e nei tempi indicati nel capitolato di appalto / Ordinary and extraordinary cleaning services to be carried out at the headquarters of the contracting entity in the manner, in the periods and within the times indicated in the tender documents


This contract is subject to renewal: yes
Description of renewals:
Number of possible renewals: 3
Nel caso di appalti rinnovabili di forniture o servizi, calendario di massima degli appalti successivi: in mesi 12 (dall'aggiudicazione dell'appalto) / In the case of renewable supply or service contracts, estimated timetable for subsequent contracts: 12 months (from the award of the contract) 


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