European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Awareness, Knowledge and Action for Active Citizens: AKA Active Citizens

Last update: Mar 22, 2023 Last update: Mar 22, 2023


Locations:Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain
Start Date:Dec 1, 2022
End Date:Nov 30, 2024
Sectors:Democratization, Media and Communications, YouthDemocratization, Media and Communications, Youth
Date posted:Mar 22, 2023

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)-undefined


Type of action: CERV Lump Sum Grants

Project ID: 101081635


AKA Active Citizens is a project proposal that aims at promoting the democratic participation and engagement at EU level of young citizens with
vulnerable backgrounds in 8 countries through Global Citizenship Education-based activities to be implemented in Community Centres. It does so
with a project timeline that builds momentum for the EP Elections 2024 while empowering the youth involved through Awareness and Knowledge
resulting in Action for tackling environmental challenges in a collective and transnational manner. It starts with a training for all educators involved,
who then implement the agreed methodology throughout the 24 activities to be carried out by the Community Centres. These will represent
opportunities for the youth involved to learn about EU policies and how to impact them democratically, interact with policy makers and eventually
replicate the methodology used to further social action beyond the project life-span. The project will involve 500+ direct participants and 5000+
indirect participants through innovative and empowering dissemination activities. The results are strengthened participation of the target group in
EP Elections 2024; boosted awareness of EU policies and ability to recognise and combat structural driscriminations in society; innovative
methodological framework for fostering social action and democratic participation in the EU; enhanced cross-border cooperation among educators
and organisations from 8 countries and exchange of good practices; increased capacity participants to make informed decisions. The outputs will
be a) 1 booklet (in 8 languages) of transformative education methodologies for democratic participation, resulting from b) the initial toolkit and c) 8
manuals; d) 24 activities carried out by 8 Community Centres with 500+ young people; e) a debate at EU level on the themes touched upon by the
project, notably Environmental challenges.

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