"Sound ExchAnges and YOU" - an itinerant festival of traditional music - 3 concerts in 3 cities with artists participating in cultural exchanges and joint performances and streamed online, and in line with this, to change the project acronym to “SEA and YOU”: SEA and YOU
Locations:Italy, Portugal, Spain
Start Date:Jan 1, 2023
End Date:Jun 30, 2024
Sectors: Culture
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Apr 27, 2023
Programme(s): Creative Europe Programme (CREA)-undefined
Topic: CREA-CULT-2022-COOP-1
Type of action: CREA Lump Sum Grants
Project ID: 101100255
SEA and YOU – The project “Sound ExchAnges and YOU” aims at organising an itinerant music festival that promotes intercultural dialogue
encouraging transnational mobility of artists. Digital technologies will be used to increase audience participation and improve their experience while
avoiding unnecessary physical trips. The project will be a tool of cultural rapprochement of the Mediterranean and European peoples to highlight
the richness of the different forms of traditional music that share a common cultural heritage. The partners are associations working to promote the
traditional music of their regions. The project’s three partners will organise a program of concerts in Granada, Porto and Napoli where their
respective artists will be hosted by the local partner to perform their traditional music. The artists will interact musically, exchanging their musical
traditions and original compositions. They will be hosted in local guest houses and will participate in visits organized by local guides. The
storytelling of all these experiences will be on the project webpage in four languages . The concerts, free of charge will be accompanied by
explanations of the historical context and screening videos with the translated lyrics to allow the local public to understand. They will be live
streamed and relaunched on the partners’ and artists’ social networks to reach the widest possible audience. Facilities will be suitable for persons
with reduced mobility and special assistance will be put in place to cater for their needs. In the final live performance in Naples a CD will be
recorded as a souvenir of this fascinating music journey in the Euro-Mediterranean soul.