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European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Better enforcement through improved Nordic–Baltic cooperation: BETIC

Last update: May 12, 2023 Last update: May 12, 2023


Locations:Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway
Start Date:Feb 1, 2023
End Date:Jul 31, 2024
Sectors:Labour Market & Employment
Labour Market & Employment
Date posted:May 12, 2023

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): European Social Fund + (ESF)-ESF-1

Topic(s): ESF-2021-POW-01

Type of action: ESF Project Grants

Project ID: 101059244

Objective: The aim of this project is to improve enforcement nationally and transnationally of posting in the Baltic and the Nordic region. By bringing together labour inspectorates from these countries and involving social partners, we want to map existing tools and experiences, identify best practice and obstacles, test new strategies and tools used in inspections and transnational cooperation, analyse and suggest improvements in the national approach and the transnational cooperation. Moreover, our aim is to improve enforcement practices related to third country posting from other EU Member States into Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The protection of posted workers in the European Economic Area (EEA) has featured high on the agenda for many years. Posted workers, moving between different national systems, are facing a multitude of problems, such as labour right violations and difficult access to social insurance systems. In 2014, the Enforcement Directive (2014/67) was adopted, and was to be transposed into national law by the Member States and Norway by 18 June 2016. Aiming to ensure that rules on posting apply uniformly across national borders, the directive provides different tools to promote its purpose. Through document analysis, surveys, interviews, workshop and seminars/webinars we will collect and disseminate empirical evidence and knowledge suitable to promote the main objectives of this project. During the study, we will develop indicators on: • factors that promote or inhibit common understandings/ and goals across borders and between authorities and social partners • factors that promote or inhibit successful inspections and other practices contributing to enforcement of the regulations of posted work • factors that are transferable across national borders • factors that promote or inhibit long-lasting collaboration across borders

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