
Support for QUALITY ASSURANCE within the national primary and secondary education examination system
Start Date:Aug 1, 2010
End Date:Aug 1, 2013
Contract value: EUR 179,580,000
Sectors: Education, Standards & Consumer Protection
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Nov 1, 2012
The purpose of this contract is to support the development and implementation of the Quality Assurance System for general education and Vocational Education Training, giving priority to development of a national examination system and increasing the capacity of the Ministry of Education and other relevant institutions to implement this system.
It aims to provide technical assistance to ensure the following results:
1. Development of national models of the different final examinations in cooperation with the state institutions
2. Prepared material for handbooks and instruments for four types of final examinations/matura in cooperation with state institutions
2. Trained teachers, school principals and other relevant actors who will implement the different final examinations
3. Revised existing databases of the results of students’ achievements
4. Analyses and evaluation of the first run or pilot implementation of the different final examinations
- Support to pilot schools in using the results of the final examinations in their self-evaluation
- National qualifications framework under development in two vocational education and training sectors linked to the proposed national examinations system.