Aggregate Delivery for Porcupine Rim Camping Area, Manti-La Sal National Forest, Region 4 Utah
Start Date:Apr 1, 2024
End Date:Sep 10, 2024
Contract value: USD 179,678
Sectors: Industry, Commerce & Services
Notice ID: 1282B123Q0135
Contract Award Number: 1282B123C0037
Description: This contract is for the delivery of 1,000 CY of 1 inch minus aggregate on to NFSR #54632 Malloy Park. The material delivered shall be in accordance with the FP-14 “Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects”. Aggregate gradation will conform to Table 703-3 of SpecialAggregate 703.05 spec as seen below. This contract also includes options:
Option 1: The delivery of 400 CY of 1 inch minus aggregate on to NFSR #54632 Malloy Park.
Option 2: The delivery of 300 CY of 1 inch minus aggregate on to NFSR #54632 Malloy Park.
Option 3: The delivery of 200 CY of 1 inch minus aggregate on to NFSR #54632 Malloy Park.
Option 4: The delivery of 400 CY of Select Granular Backfill on to NFSR #54632 Malloy Park.
Option 5: The delivery of 300 CY of Select Granular Backfill on to NFSR #54632 Malloy Park.
Granular fill shall be free of organics, debris, or other deleterious materials. Granular fill is defined as a well graded sand and gravel material (pitrun or crushed gravel), and non-plastic fines. Granular fill should not exhibit plasticity characteristics. Approved soil types as defined using the Unified Soil Classification are considered to be GW, GM or combinations thereof.