Renewable Energy Devt. & Network Expansion & Rehab. (Pck 1g.1 and 1g.2 Supply of Bare Cond. and Mv, Lv Insulated Consductors for Tra Vinh and Soc Trang Provinces)
Start Date:Oct 11, 2011
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: USD 2,231,221
Sectors: Electrical Engineering, Energy, Procurement
Loan No.: 2517-VIE(SF)
Executing Agency: Northern Power Corporation (Power
Company 1); Southern Power
Corporation (Power Company 2);
Central Power Corporation (Power Company 3)
Nature of Contract: Goods
Contract Description: Pck 1g.1 and 1g.2 Supply of Bare Cond. and Mv, Lv Insulated Consductors for Tra Vinh and Soc Trang Provinces