World Bank HQ

Enterprise Surveys 2023 In Cambodia, Philippines and Vietnam

Last update: Mar 7, 2024 Last update: Mar 7, 2024


Locations:Cambodia, Philippines, Vietnam
Start Date:Feb 1, 2023
End Date:Sep 30, 2023
Contract value: USD 522,404
Sectors:Research, SME & Private Sector, Social Development ...
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Research, SME & Private Sector, Social Development, Statistics
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Mar 7, 2024

Associated funding

Associated experts


The Cambodia, Philippines, and Vietnam ENTERPRISE SURVEYS 2023 (Cambodia, Philippines, and Vietnam ES 2023) is a World Bank (WB) establishment-level survey whose objective is to gain an understanding of firms’ experience and perception of the environment in which they operate.

The surveys will use the benchmarking and analytical tools produced by the Enterprise Analysis Unit of

the WB.

The Cambodia, Philippines, and Vietnam ES 2023 has the following objectives:

       Provide feedback from enterprises on the state of the private sector;

       Provide robust business environment indicators that are comparable across countries;

       Provide measures of establishment-level performance, including productivity;

       Assess the constraints to private sector growth and establishment performance;

       Provide data that will be used for the Business Enabling Environment project (BEE)

       Build a panel of data in applicable countries, which will allow to analyze changes in the business environment over time.

The overall goal of the Cambodia, Philippines, and Vietnam ES 2023 is to support evidence-based policy-oriented analysis, stimulate systematic policy dialogue on the business environment, and help shaping the agenda for reform

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

A total of 2,600 interviews are expected to be carried out. Interviews are conducted with top management of each establishment:

MKE leads the following responsibilities: 

·         Identifying sample frames in accordance with World Bank outlined strategy and approval; 

·         Conducting the face-to-face interview with approximately 2,600 establishments of the sample frame;

·         Providing to client a set of a cleaned database of all completed interviews in the STATA electronic database

·     Presenting to client the spreadsheets containing sample control information for each country which was a second database including the location information of each interviewed establishment

*    Preparing technical report, in English, on the data describing all codes, sampling biases introduced in the survey implementation and other pertinent information for researchers. The report covered observations/experiences arising from the survey and the methodology employed.