Horizon Europe (2021 - 2027)

Efficiency and Effectiveness of Training for Teachers’ Pedagogical Digital Competence: EffecTive

Last update: Mar 28, 2024 Last update: Mar 28, 2024


Locations:Austria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy
Start Date:Dec 1, 2023
End Date:Nov 30, 2026
Contract value:EUR 2,991,750
Sectors:Education, Information & Communication Technology, ... See moreEducation, Information & Communication Technology, Training
Date posted:Mar 28, 2024

Associated funding

Associated experts


HORIZON.2.2 - Culture, creativity and inclusive society 
HORIZON.2.2.3 - Social and Economic Transformations

Topic(s): HORIZON-CL2-2023-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-05 - Efficiency and effectiveness of investment in high-quality education and training

Call for proposal: HORIZON-CL2-2023-TRANSFORMATIONS-01

Funding Scheme: HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions

Grant agreement ID: 101132603


Many policy-level measures and programmes have been developed across the EU to support the integration of digital tools into teaching and support the students’ learning through a variety of interventions, mainly through investments in infrastructure, improved access to digital learning resources and providing teacher training on how to implement digital infrastructure in teaching and learning. Less attention has been paid to the impact of investments in teacher preparation and training on student learning and growing inequities have not been addressed. By conducting 12 quasiexperimental intervention studies across 5 EU countries, the EffecTive project tests effects of training conditions on teacher pedagogical digital competence, classroom practices and student learning outcomes and self-regulated learning skills to boost disadvantaged students. The project will contribute to the European knowledge base on the effectiveness and efficiency of teacher training programs, a methodology and toolkit for synthesizing costs and benefits across studies and a cost-efficiency analysis to assess and identify cost-effective policy measures for training. With active involvement of policy makers and teacher training institutions, the project will have wider implications for improving teacher training for the integration of digital technologies in schools, providing equal opportunities for all learners and leading Europe to a more

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