Transport services for the project Bernese Trams for Lviv
Start Date:Jul 1, 2024
End Date:Sep 30, 2025
Contract value: CHF 475,200
Sectors: Transport
Categories:Non-consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Sep 25, 2024
Project ID: 276536
Subject and scope of the contract: The transport of second-hand trams from Berne to Lviv is part of a cooperation between SECO and the City of Lviv (Ukraine). In the framework of the project “Bernese Trams for Lviv”, eleven articulated trams of the type “Vevey, Be 4/8”, will be donated to the City of Lviv. Together with the trams, a certain quantity of spare-parts will be transported to Lviv inside the trams. The trams cannot be carried by rail, as they are 31 meters long and are connected by two articulation points (joints). The tender foresees therefore a transport by road. As an option, certain equipment and spare parts that cannot be transported inside the trams may be transported by a separate 40 tons-truck.