Hatay Tradesmen and Handicrafts Chambers Union Employment Project
Start Date:Jun 21, 2010
End Date:Jun 21, 2011
Contract value: EUR 210,218
Sectors: Labour Market & Employment, Youth
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Nov 6, 2012
The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to deliver effective active labour market measures to increase employability and entrepreneurship of young people while promoting their integration into labour market.
The specific objectives of this Call for Proposals are:
- To create synergy among complementary activities of relevant actors; such as, local authorities, employees’ and employers’ organizations, universities, professional chambers, NGOs and companies (as associates) in promoting youth employment and entrepreneurship.
To support relevant actors; such as, local authorities, employees’ and employers’ organizations, universities, professional chambers, NGOs and companies (as associates) in implementing activities to promote youth employment and entrepreneurship.
Hatay Tradesmen and Handicrafts Chambers Union Employment Project.
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