Ghana Agro-Dealer Development Project (GADD)
Start Date:Jan 1, 2008
End Date:Dec 31, 2012
Sectors: Agriculture, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, SME & Private Sector
Objective – GADD improved agricultural productivity by increasing the sale and use of fertilizer and improved seeds among 850,000 smallholder farmers across Ghana. The project addressed the challenges confronting access to improved agricultural technologies and practices, especially modern inputs such as improved seeds, mineral fertilizers and crop protection products in the food crop sector.
IFDC implemented GADD in collaboration with the Ghana Agricultural Associations Business and Information Center (GAABIC) and worked to ensure that the organization and its consortium associations were organizationally, managerially and financially sustainable.
The project’s primary activities included: building agro-dealer capacity and training them to provide improved support to their farmer-customers; building the capacities of seed producers; strengthening GAABIC’s consortium of trade associations; and providing financial support and technology transfer.
Collaborators – Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and GAABIC
Donor – AGRA.