European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Technical Assistance of the Second Phase of the Euro-Arab Mashreq Gas Market Project (EAMGM II) Location Damascus Syrian Arab Republic

Last update: Sep 26, 2012 Last update: Sep 26, 2012


Locations:Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria
Start Date:Jan 2, 2011
End Date:Dec 14, 2013
Contract value: EUR 4,791,800
Sectors:Energy Energy
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Sep 26, 2012

Associated funding

Associated experts


To provide technical assistance in the field of natural gas infrastructure development to improve the security of energy supply in the region as well as in the EU by fostering the integration of the energy markets between allpartner countries. The PCs include Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Iraq and Turkey also participate in theproject as observers. Main outputs will include: (1) studies to expand the Arab gas pipeline and contribute todeveloping gas flows among the Mashreq countries concerned, as well as to the EU; (2) assistance in legislative and regulatory harmonisation in the energy sector; (3) assistance towards the harmonisation of technical standards and specifications of the gas market; (4) assistance to build an efficient and sustainable managementof the gas sector in the PCs; (5) cooperation with other energy-related initiatives/projects.

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