European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Implementation of the works in the north of Kosovo

Last update: Nov 2, 2016 Last update: Nov 2, 2016


Start Date:May 19, 2015
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: EUR 1,774,109
Sectors:Civil Engineering Civil Engineering
Date posted:Jun 24, 2015

Associated funding

Associated experts


Publication reference: EuropeAid/136405/DD/WKS/XK

Assignment: Implementation of the works in the north of Kosovo, Lot 1: Construction and rehabilitation of streams

Contract number: 2015/361-037

Lot number and lot title:


Lot 1: Construction and rehabilitation of streams, as per following schemes:

Scheme 1: Regulation of Zubodolska stream in Solunskih Boraca Street in Zubin Potok

Scheme 2: Regulation of Zubodolska stream in Luke Pridvorjana Street in Zubin Potok


Lot 2: Construction and rehabilitation of streets and sidewalks, as per following schemes:

Scheme 3: Reconstruction of Nikola Tesla street and construction of footpaths in Zvecan

Scheme 4: Pavement for pedestrian and lighting in the regional road between railways crossing Zvecan and Zitkovac, Zvecan

Scheme 8: Reconstruction of the east sidewalk at King Peter Street from the pastry shop "Sar" to the main bridge Mitrovica north

Scheme 11: Reconstruction of the East sidewalk at King Peter Street from the roundabout to the red skyscraper, Mitrovica north (north Kosovo)


Lot 3: Reconstruction of the city green market and elementary school, as per following schemes:

Scheme 9: Reconstruction of the city green market in Leposavic

Scheme 10: Reconstruction of primary school “Vuk Karadjic“ in Sočanica


Lot 4: Construction of public car park, as per following schemes:

Scheme 7: Construction of public car park at the junction of Kolasinska and Drvarska streets at Ibar river at north Mitrovica

Duration of contract

Lot 1 and Lot 2: 6 months from the commencement date (plus 12 months of Defects Liability Period).

Lot 3 and Lot 4: 10 months from the commencement date (plus 12 months of Defects Liability Period).

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